Explore ALF

Want to find out if ALF is the right solution for you?

Use the search bar below to explore the ALF database and get instant access to 
the top 6,000 advertisers, 17,000 brands and 1,000 agencies in the UK.


Advertiser Profile

We research the top 6,000 advertisers in the UK across 33 categories including finance, retail, entertainment and food & drink.

Contact Profile

When prospecting a new client it helps to have as much information on them as possible.

Brand Profile

We research over 17,000 brands associated with the top 6,000 advertisers in the UK across 33 categories including finance, retail, entertainment and food & drink.

Agency Profile

Filter our data by industry, Ad spend, number of employees, job title, location or any criteria you desire enabling you to find your ideal lead.

Advanced Search

Filter our data by industry, Ad spend, number of employees, job title, location or any criteria you desire enabling you to find your ideal lead.

My Prospects

Filter, find and build prospect lists that you can access and export at any time.

Email Alerts

Create and manage email notifications so you never miss out on the latest changes that matter to you.


Find out which advertisers are spending the most and who the biggest advertisers are within specific industries.


The dashboard view brings you a snapshot of the latest news from 31 trade press sources as well as quick access to your saved searches, prospect lists and email alerts.

Note that individual profile pages and spend information is not available in this restricted view. Therefore searches for specific job titles or individuals won't work.

To see the full extent of everything that ALF covers including individual profile pages request a demo today.